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  4. 「World Leader in AIWS Award 2023」受賞者御礼スピーチ

「World Leader in AIWS Award 2023」受賞者御礼スピーチ




 4月26日に、米国のBoston Global Forum(BGF) から「World Leader in AIWS Award 2023」を受賞しました。



 また、「AIWS Award」と「Peace and Security Award」の2つの賞を主催しており、毎年の受賞者をBGF理事会が選出しているそうです。


 「Peace and Security Award」の過去の受賞者を見ますと、2015年に当時の安倍晋三首相とドイツのメルケル首相が受賞しておられ、2022年にはウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領が受賞しておられました。


 私が頂いた「AIWS Award」は、「人工知能がもたらす社会的な変化や革新的な技術の進歩に貢献する個人を表彰する賞」だそうです。








≪Speech 2023/Takaichi Sanae,Recipient of World Leader in AIWS 2023≫



Good morning, Governor Michael Dukakis, CEO Nguyen Anh Tuan, ladies and gentlemen. My name is TAKAICHI Sanae.

Congratulations on holding a conference in commemoration of Governor Dukakis's 90th birthday.

I am extremely honored and grateful for receiving the World Leader in Artificial Intelligence World Society Award 2023 from Governor Dukakis.

From 1987 to 1989, I was working as a Congressional Fellow for Democratic Congresswoman Patricia Schroder, who was a pioneer among women in politics and sadly passed away last month.

I still vividly remember I was involved in the “Dukakis for President” campaign in the 1988 presidential election. I was enthusiastically rooting for him while holding up his sign.

Please take a look at this picture.

I am now feeling deeply connected with Governor Dukakis and the Boston Global Forum, as I have received such a prestigious award as Minister in charge of Economic Security today.



As you are fully aware, the concept of "Economic Security," is now quite widespread. Japan pioneered in this field and set up the post of Minister exclusively in charge of economic security in October 2021.

Last May, we enacted the new Economic Security Promotion Act. This act has four main pillars:

First, supply chain resilience

Second, promotion of public-private cooperation on critical and emerging technologies

Third, ensuring security and safety of essential infrastructure,

Fourth, non-disclosure of certain patent applications.

As the second Minister in charge of Economic Security, I am currently focusing on the smooth and effective implementation of this Act.

In addition, Japan is considering the establishment of a security clearance system in the field of economic security. Major countries have such a system, while Japan does not. Now we are carrying out our studies, while consulting with experts from industry and academia to seek their views and needs.

My understanding is that no Minister in charge of economic security has been appointed in the United States or other countries.



I am Minister in charge of not only economic security, but also science and technology policy.

The theme of today's meeting, "AI Assistant Regulation," has rapidly gained interest in Japan as well due to the impact of the emergence of generative AI systems like ChatGPT.

AI is an important technology that will support our society in the future. As it continues to spread throughout various aspects of people's lives and the economy, the pace of technological innovation is remarkable, and new challenges are arising. We fully recognize these facts.

Japan's AI strategies have been formulated with the “Council for science, technology and innovation” or CSTI under my control. The latest version was compiled in April of last year. However, in light of the emergence of generative AI systems, we need to consider a new strategy to respond appropriately to the new era.

Under the new strategy, we would like to identify the technologies and initiatives that our country should focus on globally, and create an environment to invest resources strategically.



Finally, I would like to thank you once again for the honorable award and wish you much success in this conference.


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