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  3. 9期目の永田町から 令和3年11月~
  4. IAEA総会での高市早苗一般討論演説







Director General,

Distinguished Delegates,

Japan highly commends the Agency’s work in promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and non-proliferation.

Japan is committed to contributing to global peace and prosperity and supports the leadership of Director General Grossi.


At the Tenth NPT Review Conference last month, Kishida Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, announced the "Hiroshima Action Plan" for a world without nuclear weapons and reiterated Japan’s commitment to nuclear non-proliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

It is deeply regrettable that the final document was not adopted by consensus due to the objection by Russia, however, Japan will continue to work with the Agency to maintain and strengthen the international non-proliferation regime and to facilitate the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy underpinned by the NPT.


Japan is gravely concerned about the situation of nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Russia’s military activities near or at nuclear power plants and other facilities in Ukraine, let alone Russia’s unjustifiable and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, cannot be tolerated. Japan condemns Russia’s actions in the strongest terms.

Japan commends and supports the continuous efforts of the Agency to secure nuclear safety and security in Ukraine based on the seven indispensable pillars of nuclear safety and security, which includes the Agency’s assistance to Ukraine and its mission to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

In this regard, Japan pledged 2 million euros to support the Agency’s efforts.

Japan underlines the need to restore, without delay, the safety and security of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities and materials.



The peaceful uses of nuclear energy play an important role for prosperity.

Unlocking the immense potential of nuclear energy enables us to address a wide array of global challenges such as climate change and energy security and to implement SDGs.

This year, Japan has contributed one million euros through the Peaceful Uses of Initiative to the “Rays of Hope”, the latest initiative launched by Director General this February.

Japan places top priority on safety, taking into account the lessons learned from TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident, and will continue to work together with the Agency to ensure the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in a sustainable manner.

Japan has been steadily advancing the decommissioning of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and environmental restoration activities off site, with the cooperation of the Agency, which has unique mandate and expertise to this end.

Regarding the handling of the ALPS treated water, the Agency with the involvement of international experts has been conducting reviews on the safety and regulatory aspects of the ALPS treated water as well as monitoring.

Japan highly appreciates the professional work of the Agency, which has been carried out in an independent, objective and transparent manner.

In close cooperation with the international community including the Agency,Japan will continue to advance its efforts in a transparent and scientific manner in accordance with domestic and international safety standards.



IAEA safeguards are the fundamental instrument for ensuring global nuclear non-proliferation.

Japan strongly supports the Agency’s efforts to make them more effective and efficient.

Japan also strongly supports the universalization of the CSA and AP.

The international community should continue to work together to resolve regional non-proliferation issues.

First and foremost, North Korea's nuclear and missile programs pose a serious challenge to the international non-proliferation regime and are totally unacceptable.

Japan strongly urges North Korea to take concrete steps towards the complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of all weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles of all ranges and related programs.

In this regard, I wish to emphasize the critical importance for all States to fully implement relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, and to note that the denuclearization of North Korea requires a robust verification where the Agency should play an important role.

With regard to Iran's nuclear-related activities, Japan supports the JCPOA to uphold the international non-proliferation regime.

Japan will proactively contribute to efforts towards achieving the return to compliance with the JCPOA by all relevant countries.


Gender parity expands the horizon in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy and non-proliferation.

Japan welcomes the continued efforts by the Agency to achieve gender parity, including through the IAEA Marie Curie Fellowship initiative.

Japan is a proud contributor to the initiative since its launch.


In closing, I would like to reiterate Japan’s firm determination to continue to provide its maximum support for the Agency.

Thank you.



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